
Your Complete Guide to Understanding DSCR for Your Business



Your Complete Guide to Understanding DSCR for Your Business

As a business, there are several considerations you must keep in mind when it comes to financing. You may need to apply for a loan at some point, but your number crunching skills could count for a lot when this happens. When applying for a small sized business loan to smooth the running of your company, you may have to prove several things to potential lenders. These would include but are not limited to the following:

  • Credit Score
  • Credit Background
  • Credit History
  • Income
  • Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)

The last among these can be a little complicated for those who are new to the business game. We’ll walk you through this part so that you can be sure of getting the best loan on the best terms possible.

About DSCR

DSCR is a measurement of a business’s capability of repaying its loan. This ratio is reached by dividing an organization’s net operating income by their total debt. The debt mentioned here has interest payments included, if any. This ratio is one of the main methods used by lenders to gauge any business’s financial health. If the ratio is low, they’d know that the loan would be quite a risk. The higher the ratio’s result, the transaction would have much more confidence.

The DSCR affect many factors about the loan in question. For instance, it can contribute to decisions about:

  • The approval of the loan in the first place.
  • How much a certain business qualifies for.
  • The terms of the loan, including the monthly payments, interest rate, etc.

Why DSCR Matters

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) is very important for a business no matter what size it is. It’s a measure of how able the business is to repay a loan. Since most types of lenders want their money returned safely, this ratio would help them decide the matter. With this ratio measurement, lenders can somewhat be sure of getting their monthly payments on time. Even if the cash flow of the business is not that stable, they can still gauge something from the DSCR.

DSCRs can also be utilized for deciding upon lease payments as well as loans. It’s therefore best if a company figures out this ratio on their own before they approach anyone for a loan. The same goes for when they want to lease a car, a piece of machinery, or some office space. If they find their DSCR is too low for serious consideration, they can then first work upon improving it before they apply for a lease or loan.

The Ideal DSCR

There is no ideal value for DSCR, since every business has a different cash flow, a different way of income, and are applying for varied amounts. However, it’s usually agreed-upon that a DSCR should be at least 1.5, if not higher.

However, one must keep in mind that not every lender has the same minimum DSCR that they’d use for considering loan approval. A business looking for a loan would hence do well to find out the minimum DSCR required by a potential lender and see if they’re up to the mark. This goes for whether you’re applying to commercial real estate lender, SBA loans, banks, or some alternative loan sources.

The DSCR Formula

There is a specific formula which breaks down the process of calculating DSCR. There are actually three steps to this process, which we’ll cover in the section below:

Step 1:

Calculate your business’s net operating income for the whole year. This means that you calculate your business revenues first. This is known as your Gross Operating Income. Next, subtract the following expenses:

  • Operating expenses – legal, management, accounting, maintenance, janitorial, taxes, etc.
  • Interest payments
  • Deprecation
  • Amortization
  • Insurance payments

When you subtract the following expenses from your Gross Operating Income, you get your Net Operating Income. When you’re calculating income, you should also add the salary of the business owner and any one-off expenses.

Step 2:

Now you need to apply the DSCR formula in order to find out your ability to repay your debt. First, calculate all the debt obligations you have with regard to the business. You should calculate these according to the current year.

For this, combine all the payments the business has made the same year with regard to the loan. These payments would include:

  • Payment of the loan principal
  • The loan interest
  • The loan fees
  • Lease payments, if any
  • Payments on all current loans along with the loan you want to apply for
  • If refinancing an old loan, the old loan payment should not be included. Use an estimation of the new payment instead.

Step 3:

The third step consists of dividing the first step’s figure by the second step’s figure. That is, divide the Net Operating Income or NOI by your current debt amount. The answer would be the DSCR.


While the formula for the DSCR is pretty straightforward, it may not be used in the same way as described above. For instance, some lenders you approach would also want an owner’s personal income to be added into the calculations. If this happens then personal debt would also have to be doubted. Other lenders may not have this requirement. However, the personal income and debt are most often required when lenders are thinking about approving loans for small business. The loan amount in itself is under $500,000 in such cases.

Calculating DSCR for Several Years

Of course, the current year’s DSCR is not the only information required by lenders. Those who have to approve a loan would want to look at the operations of the applicant company according to its performance over the past few years.

If a business is already established and looking for a loan, they should calculate their DSCR for the past three years at the very least. This would give lenders a valuable insight into your operations for these years. They would be able to see how you’ve progressed and hence project your success accordingly. If you’ve been steadily expanding and growing, for example, lenders may be more inclined to approve our loan even if your DSCR is not high enough to meet their requirements.

However, if your business is still little more than a startup, you should be aware that your revenue won’t be that great. At least in the beginning, businesses simply don’t generate enough of an NOI to qualify for a high DSCR. This is why it’s best if such businesses estimate their DSCR for the future. If your small business has a decent ratio for at least the next three years, potential lenders may be more ready to approve your loan. This may also get you easy loan terms and lower rates.

Still, the DSCR projections would need to be on a professional level if they are to be of any interest to lenders. One should make use of comparable competitors and averages within the industry when calculating these. Any small organization should have such estimates as an integral part of their business plan. You may be able to find some software or calculators online that could help you with the financial calculations and estimates.

What DSCR Says About Your Business

Even if a business doesn’t want to or has no need of applying for a loan right away, they should still consider calculating their DSCR. This is because this ratio is quite a valuable way of determining several aspects of a business. You may not apply for a new loan now, but you may still be working on some old ones. Plus, you want to be ready to show your ratio if and when the time to apply for a new loan arises.

The number you come up with after calculating the DSCR can signal warnings or let you know if you’re headed in the right direction. Let’s take a look at the different numbers and see what they have to say:

1. Above 1

If your DSCR is above one, you would probably have enough of a cash inflow to pay off your debt along with any loans you may have applied for. In fact, the amount that exceeds the 1 is the size of the cushion you have as a buffer between your business and its debt. This lets you know that you have enough to pay your loans and still have quite a bit left over. Whether you choose to distribute that amount as bonuses or invest it back in the business if another decision.

2. Equal to 1

If your business has a DSCR of exactly one, you’re probably cutting it very close. This means that your net income is all spent in paying the debt accumulated. It’s better than having less than the amount required to pay the loans, so that’s one positive takeaway from such a ratio. However, you may not be able to keep up with rising prices, Even the slightest rise in interest rates or the smallest decrease in cash inflow could have you suffering a loss.

If you’re facing a DSCR like this, you know it’s not too late to take action. However, you probably have some time to think and make new plans before you make any changes to your current expenses or income.

3. Less Than 1

If your DSCR is less than 1, this means that the business is simply not making enough to deal with its debt payments. You’re falling short of the payments, so you need to make them up somehow. This may have to be done through your personal assets, or even through yet another loan. However, you don’t really have the room for new loans right now.

A lender wouldn’t like the fact that a business owner is supplementing their business with their own funds. The sign of an investment-worthy business is that it’s able to sustain itself. If you resort to your own income from other sources or even the business itself, you may lose lenders who are looking for a sturdy company.

While no lender would like the idea of a low DSCR, that’s not all they look at every time. Even with your low ratio, you may qualify for several loans based on different factors. If your application contains information about a high business revenue and an excellent credit score rating, for instance, the loan may very well be approved.

Improving DSCR

When a company finds itself with a low DSCR ratio, they naturally want to improve it. This should be both for the sake of loan approval as well as for the overall health of the business. In order for this improvement to happen, one should look at increasing business revenue, lowering expenses, or lowering outstanding debt. The best way though, is trying to decrease all three factors at once. That way, even if the difference is minimal, the overall impact could just be enough to put your DSCR above 1!

For more business revenue, one should try focusing on getting more sales. They may also consider increasing the prices of the products or services they offer. If neither of these is possible, you may want to consider getting in a new co-owner who has a high income. If the lender in question looks at personal income, the new income may get the DSCR where you want it.

The operating costs could be streamlined and trimmed if one asks suppliers for good deals or reduces that major new purchase. Finally, one should first focus on getting their current loans paid off before applying for new ones.


The Debt Service Coverage Ratio is quite an essential measurement for any kind of business that may need financial backing at some point. It’s a great way to find out just how well you’re performing so that you can show your prowess to potential lenders as well. Additionally, it’s also a way of pinpointing just where a business can improve its earning as well as its debt management.

It is thus highly recommended that every business calculate its DSCR ratio as soon as possible. Even if it is the early days, an estimate of the DSCR can get you just the loan you need to get things up and running.